Deep Dive: Employee needs are changing and organizations must follow


In the midst of what some have coined “the great resignation,” companies are rushing to offer benefits that match the needs and desires of this new, empowered workforce—a workforce where a significant number are willing to resign without an alternative 手头的工作.

The circumstances created by the COVID pandemic have altered the key factors in employee job choice rapidly, in some surprising and some not surprising ways. 窦Sociovision completed a large-scale survey in 2009 asking what factors played an important role 在做选择工作的决定时. 男性和女性之间出现了明显的差异 在答案中.

Men rated interesting work, job security, and good pay as the top three factors in 选择工作. Women rated interesting work, job security, and family-work balance 作为他们的三大优先事项. There are good reasons why women would consider work-family balance as a top priority in a job, today, or in 2009 when the survey was completed. Little has changed over this span of time in that women are asked to carry the majority 照顾的任务(人和房子).

However, the COVID pandemic has rapidly changed the priorities of both male and female 工人. 在麦肯锡最近的一份报告中 & 对美国800名员工的公司调查.S.,顶部 employee needs for men and women included job security (now number one), financial 稳定,平衡工作和私人生活.

It is no surprise in this environment that job security is on the forefront of our minds, particularly when over 20 million jobs were lost in the first few months of 仅是大流行. Seeking a job with some assurances of security, however, emphasizes the fact that individuals are seeking to protect their own health and well-being now 更甚于以往.

Seeking a secure job is a measure of protection to control our own anxiety and stress. Financial stability is, of course, the flip side of the same coin as stability also provides a measure of protection against mental distress.

The importance of work-life balance for women and men completes the picture suggesting that the revolution occurring currently in our workforce is one of personal self-care 拥有全球网络赌博平台自己的幸福.

The interesting and odd thing about the current surge in attrition is that many employees are willing to leave a job without having another job lined up. 就好像美国人 workforce collectively reached its breaking point and said, “we’re not going to do 这个了”.

Many suggest that the pandemic’s effects on our decision-making will be long-lasting, 如果不是永久性的. Certainly, the current trends give us a glimpse of what we can expect 在下一代工人中. While we cannot realistically expect large segments of the workforce to remain without employment for extended periods of time, the shift away from leisure and hospitality and healthcare industries may be a shift that the U.S. economy must reckon with in order to attract 工人 back.

Meanwhile, companies that experience the most success in retaining employees, or attracting new employees, will be those that best understand the overall reasoning behind this 劳动力的转变. 在麦肯锡 & 公司调查显示,获得奖励是一项重要的工作 factor to employees, but was ranked a distant 8th behind security, stability, and balance—all factors sharing the common denominator of a focus on employee well-being.

This suggests that otherwise popular incentive structures may not be as effective 在这种特殊的环境下. A company cannot fully address the underlying root cause of concern about getting sick or taking care of the children with a pay raise 独自一人.

Flex work has been shown to decrease anxiety for many, and this is an effective solution and a perk that many employees are looking for now. 除了工作安排,还有轮班 messaging to emphasize the long-term stability of an organization, combined with being as focused on employee wellbeing as the employees themselves are, will be the recipe 成功的.

This means that now 更甚于以往, promoting managers with the skills to empathize with others, listen to employees, and build positive relationships is important. 组织 cultures that once thrived with a focus on task-based performance rewards will see 高流动率.

Employees want to know that their employer cares about their opinions and their feelings 健康和安全. Employees want to be seen as individuals, with a diverse set 需求和动机驱动因素.

We can expect personalized career plans based on the interests and development of employees, and fostered by the organization, to become much more popular. 这个问题 for now is not how the employee can help the organization, but how can the organization 帮助员工.


Dr. 芭芭拉·里特

