

Sixty-five outstanding women from across the 杰克逊维尔大学 campus were recognized 在2022年妇女历史月庆祝活动上 & 在颁奖典礼上获得提名 年度女性奖.

It’s the capstone event of Women’s History Month on campus, which included guest speakers, an admiration station, campus-wide pink out and a women’s necessities drive. 

Four women were named Woman of the Year in their respective categories in the March 24 ceremony in the Terry Concert 大厅, which featured performances from the Jacksonville RiverTones,合唱联盟和22岁的Jeilymar Morales.

Morales was the 2021 Frances Bartlett Kinne Student Woman of the Year, which is an 包括500美元奖学金的捐赠奖. 她以许多成就而闻名, unquenchable optimism and selfless service to others, Kinne embodied the true spirit 获得了大学年度女性的荣誉.

Categories for the Woman of the Year award include student, graduate student, faculty 和工作人员. Winners had to be nominated by someone on campus and were selected by a 由教职员工和前年度女性获奖者组成的小组. 

The ceremony was the first since 2019 that held a full audience in the Terry Concert 大厅.



卡洛琳·格兰特被评为2022年度女学生. 她是大三学生 in communications and triple minoring in marketing, professional sales, and Spanish. Grant captains the JU Dance team, serves as vice president of member experience for the Delta Delta Delta sorority and serves on several campus boards including the Student Athletic Advisory Committee, Board of Diversity Awareness and the JU Experience Improvement 团队. Daughter of 2020 年度女教师 Shelley Grant, nominators say she’s 跟随她的脚步. 

卡罗琳·格兰特, Student Woman of the Year, poses with Allana Forte

“I see 卡洛琳 as an unsung hero that works hard to bring out the best in everyone,” 一位提名人写道. “Pandemic or not, she has been determined to make the best out of this year’s performances and always gives 100% to her team. 在学术上,我可以 not be prouder of 卡洛琳, especially knowing the number of hours she gives to the Sirens, her sorority and her job as a fitness instructor and personal trainer. 卡洛琳 is truly a role model for young women, and I believe she is so deserving of 这个奖项.”

“It is so great to see that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, so to speak,” 提名如下.
“卡洛琳 is so involved with not only sports and social organizations, but she also 仍然把荣誉和学术放在首位. 真是一个伟大的榜样 就读大学的年轻人. 一个完美的例子,如果你相信自己,你所有的 梦想和成功终将成真.”


华纳布赫曼 is the 2022 年度最佳女研究生. 公共领域的双硕士 政策与管理.S. in Marine Science student, Buchman graduates in May with important 等待她的工作. 她目前受雇于美国国务院.S. 陆军工兵部队 a biologist, working on the Central Everglades Planning Project aimed at restoring 生态系统,世界上最大的此类项目. 她将继续在那里工作 毕业后. Her thesis focuses on the policy impact on catch-per-unit-efforts 狮子鱼在美国的数量.S. 和巴哈马群岛.

华纳布赫曼, 年度最佳女研究生, poses with Allana Forte

“Warner has been part of a number of research and leadership projects on campus and is one of the most articulate, humble, and ethical people you’ll ever meet (and of course, has a killer sense of humor),” her nomination form 读. 她支持 the Institutes in various marketing and public relations projects and willingly devotes her time to raising the profile of the University (she does that by just being a student!). I am proud to be a colleague of hers, and am so excited to see where she goes in the 世界.”


帕特里斯押尼珥被评为2022年度女性员工. 现任大学校长 of Equity and 包容, she joined the staff in 2017 as the first Director of Student 包容. Abner is tasked with developing training and educational opportunities for the campus community, supports international students and assists the Office of 人 & 文化. Abner spearheaded the development of the Student 包容 office 当她来到校园,并继续监督它. 

帕特里斯押尼珥, 年度最佳女员工, poses with Allana Forte

”她 is a strong, effective advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion,” her nominator 写了.
“Patrice’s excellent critical thinking and interpersonal skills, and desire to contribute to the betterment of our campus in specific and meaningful ways make her worthy of 这个奖项.”

“帕特里斯在一个人的办公室里表现得非常出色. 她对她很忠诚 students and is always helping them solve whatever problems they have,” a nomination 读. ”她 is a great person to be around and is the heart of student life.”

年度女教师:Dr. 塔玛拉·本特利·考迪尔

Dr. 塔玛拉·本特利·考迪尔是2022年度女教师. 她是椅子 世界语言和法语助理教授. 她的学生称她为 “夫人,”Dr. Caudill teaches courses from elementary French to upper-level courses in Contemporary France and Fairy Tales and Folklore of France. 她的研究专长是 in medieval and early modern French literature, theatre and performance and visual 文化. 

Dr. 塔玛拉·本特利·考迪尔, 年度女教师, poses with Allana Forte

“In my work alone I have had the opportunity to hear how students rave about her, 在我和她合作之前,”她的提名人写道. “Dr. 考迪尔真正代表了这一点 what it means to be an outstanding and satisfactory woman leader and figurehead at JU.”

“Dr. Caudill has devoted countless hours to her students,” 提名如下. ”她 works with the whole student, attending to them inside and outside the classroom as 教授、顾问和导师.”






