

With more than 20 years in the television and film industry and a passion for travel, 博伊兰为亚马逊Prime制作了一部热播电视剧,名叫 大学之旅.


杰克逊维尔大学 students and siblings Bobby and Maggie Radloff exhale and relax slightly while the film crew prepares for the next take of their 2-minute segment.

Before the cameras begin rolling again, however, host and executive producer Alex Boylan '99 walks over to the brother and sister duo for a coaching moment.

“你们做得很棒! 这一次,全球网络赌博平台可以尝试一些不同的东西吗?” he says, offering them some helpful pointers to bring some movement and energy to 这张照片. 他们专注地听着,放松了一点. 抖掉蝴蝶, 他们再试一次.


It’s atypical for a television host to be so involved in filming. 然而,Boylan 有什么不典型的吗,这不是一个普通的插曲.Alex在校园里

Boylan has returned to his alma mater, 杰克逊维尔大学, to film the season 4 finale of “大学之旅,” now streaming on Amazon Prime and several other platforms. Boylan is creator, executive producer and host of the show, which brings university campuses right into students’ living rooms to make their college search more accessible 和负担得起的. Each episode focuses on a single college or university and highlights 真正的学生. It gives high schoolers an inside look at everything from academics 校园生活.

“This has been one of the most special weeks since I graduated — to be back here [at JU] and helping tell the story of my alma mater which I love so much,” Boylan said 在拍摄间隙. “我喜欢我在这个校园的每一秒. 它让我 今天的我是谁.”


It’s easy to imagine Boylan stealing the spotlight when he roamed the oak-lined paths 的居. 他是一盏明灯. 真诚,平易近人,迷人,谦逊,博伊兰 无论他走到哪里都是挚友. 他对生活的丰富的喜悦和对人的爱 “breaks through the glass” — that’s industry jargon for someone who is captivating 在屏幕上观看.

Boylan, a Boston native, was bitten by the television bug soon after 毕业 from 杰克逊维尔大学 in 1999 with a bachelor’s degree in international business. He and friend Chris Luca won the second season of the hit reality TV show “The Amazing 2002年“种族”. Boylan decided he wanted to pursue a career in television and soon 在PineRidge电影公司找到了一个职位 & 总部设在杰克逊维尔的电视台. 这是一次销售 job for PineRidge’s stock footage products, but Boylan held tight to his dreams of 上镜.

“You could see he had a camera presence,” said PineRidge founder and CEO Jerry Smith, who now teaches part-time at JU as an adjunct professor in the film program. ”他点燃 在摄像机上. He had a natural enthusiasm and really amazing energy about him and 他现在依然如此. 我在他身上看到了.”

Smith agreed to mentor and coach Boylan while he worked at PineRidge. 第一个挑战, Smith recalled, was getting rid of Boylan’s heavy Bostonian accent. 他会说 ‘I’m gonna pahk the cah’ or he’d say ‘cheez’ instead of ‘cheers.“所以我不得不教书 him to speak in a way that is broadcast sensitive and he did a really good job.”

博伊兰超出了预期. 他不仅失去了口音,而且变成了“the” 他是全球网络赌博平台有史以来最好的销售人员,”史密斯说. 所以当史密斯提出 new PBS show called “At The Chef’s Table” was picked up by the network in 2004, he 向博伊兰提供了主持工作. “剩下的就是历史了,”史密斯说.

Since then, Boylan’s bright star has climbed, and his work has expanded to include 私生活方面的角色. He has hosted, produced and/or directed numerous television shows and series, including “What’s Cooking with Alex,” “Animal Attractions,” “Around the World for Free,” “The CBS Buzz Tour,” “Rach to the Rescue” for The Rachael Ray Show, and hours worth of destination content for Travel Channel and Lonely Planet. 他是 also produced hundreds of episodes and segments for Steve Harvey over the years.


Boylan’s career and his innate curiosity has taken him to more than 55 countries around 世界. In 2020, he turned that spirit of discovery to college campuses, teaming up with veteran executive producer Lisa Hennessy (“The Biggest Loser,” “World’s Toughest Race,” “The Contender,” “Eco-Challenge”) and a first-rate production crew to film hundreds of students at more than 50 colleges or universities around the country.

“People like to say the next generation is not as good as the last generation; I couldn’t think that is further from the truth,” said Boylan “When you meet the students that are going to JU right now and the people that they are and the stuff they think about to make this world a better place, that is so much more advanced than when we were 毕业. 这些学生太不可思议了.”


Boylan said it’s exciting to see how much the JU campus has grown since his time here. “If there was a biggest wow factor, for someone who was here 20 years ago, it’s opening up that river,” said Boylan, referring to Dolphin Beach, a sandy student recreational 在JU的河边. “能来到这里真是太棒了.”

While filming on campus, Boylan made sure to catch up with PineRidge founder Jerry 史密斯,给了他第一份电视工作的导师. 他一定要告诉所有人 他是多么感激杰瑞给了他一次机会. “他非常忠诚,从不 忘记了早年帮助过他的人,”史密斯后来说. “人们有时会这么做 get ‘the big head’ when they get successful… Alex has never gotten the big head. He 一直保持着那种谦卑的精神. 他是来提升你的.”

博伊兰有一种不屈不挠、具有感染力的乐观精神. 这是一种磁力 attracts others and gives them a sense that he’s rooting for them. 因为他是. 这不是在镜头前的伪装. 在很多方面,他都体现了海豚的精神 家庭.

“I am still good friends with all the people I graduated with. 全球网络赌博平台互相帮助 出去做生意了,”他说. “当你从JU毕业时,你真的是家庭的一员. 如果你是JU的学生,给我打电话. 你想要什么? 打电话给我. 你会自动地 和一个在JU上过学的人见面. 在我前面的人 帮我破门而入. 我想对下一代说的是:意识到这一点 the family that came before you and do not be scared to pick up that phone.”




