Jacksonville University College of Law welcomes four new faculty

April 25, 2023

随着杰克逊维尔大学法学院结束其第一年的课程, 它将增加四名教职员工,他们将于2023年秋季学期开始教学. 备受推崇的新教员带来了广泛学科的专业知识, 包括灾难法、技术伦理、刑法和职业成功, such as preparing for the Florida bar exam. Together with the law faculty that have 四位新教员将巧妙地涵盖第一年课程的基本内容 继续推进学院的使命,提供创新,优质的法律教育. 

杰克逊维尔大学即将加入法学院的新法学教授是 Lindsay Head助理教授,Alex Yelderman助理教授,副教授 Latisha Nixon-Jones, and Assistant Professor Lauren Knight.

“全球网络赌博平台很荣幸地欢迎四位杰出的法律系来到杰克逊维尔大学 杰克逊维尔大学法学院的创始院长说 Nick Allard. “他们每个人都是各自领域公认的领导者,并且都有自己的选择 加入全球网络赌博平台,因为他们致力于建立一所优秀的法学院 of Jacksonville. 他们作为教师和学者的能力,他们的实践经验, 以及他们为法学院、大学和公众服务的承诺 当全球网络赌博平台的第一届学生成为法学院二年级学生时, and as we prepare to welcome our second class of students.”

新教师将教授学院三年制法学课程octor curriculum. Knight also will serve as the College of Law’s Associate Dean for Student Success and Bar Prep. She has experience growing a legal education program 并期待着把这些知识带到杰克逊维尔大学.

“我很高兴能加入杰克逊维尔大学法学院,”奈特说 said. “我知道建造一所新的法学院需要做的所有工作,我也知道 法学院正在并将继续产生积极的影响 have on the students and the community.” 

Faculty Bios

lindsay headLindsay Head comes from St. 托马斯大学法学院,在那里她是助理教授 of Legal Writing. 她的学术研究和教学侧重于修辞的交叉点 理论与法律话语,刑事诉讼与第四修正案法理学, 公民和身份修辞学,作文理论,口头宣传,和法律 writing pedagogy. 

Head holds a B.A. in English and Philosophy from Florida State University, a J.D. from Florida Coastal School of Law, an M.A. in English: Rhetoric and Composition from the University of North Florida, and a Ph.D. in English—with a concentration in Writing, Rhetoric, and Culture—from Louisiana State University. 

自2014年以来,Head教授各种本科和法律课程. She 是佛罗里达州律师协会的活跃成员,并从事过一般民事诉讼 在南佛罗里达州一家中型律师事务所工作,并担任家庭法主管 and supervised the firm’s internship program.


lauren knightLauren Knight 她还从美世大学法学院(Mercer University School of Law)加入了JU Law,在那里她是一名访问学者 Assistant Professor of Law. Her teaching focuses primarily on areas including academic 成功,法学院入学考试和律师资格考试准备,刑法,法律写作,职业责任, and remedies.

Knight received her J.D. from Florida State University College of Law and graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. from the University of Florida. Prior to her experience in academia, Knight practiced law in Jacksonville, Florida.

在加入杰克逊维尔大学之前,奈特还在萨凡纳法学院任教 and South University.



latisha nixon-jonesLatisha Nixon-Jones 来自美世大学法学院,在那里她是助理教授 Law. 她的教学重点是侵权、法律写作和环境与灾难 Law. 她是一个值得注意的新兴学者在新兴领域的灾难法. 她的奖学金集中在探索灾害法的创新方法,与 强调加强社区抵御自然灾害和人为灾害的能力. 通过她广泛的研究,尼克松-琼斯教授推断灾难法应该 优先考虑社区赋权和参与复原力建设工作.

作为俄勒冈大学的客座教授,尼克松-琼斯是获奖者 of the prestigious COVID-19 Research Innovation Award. Her research on Covid-19 and 它对班上弱势群体的贬低效应已经被提出 in The Conversation, and several other national publications. In 2017, she also served as an AmeriCorps 平等司法工作研究员,她负责建立,协调, 以及扩大南方大学法律中心的灾难法律诊所.

这家诊所的重点是帮助那些受到自然灾害影响的低收入人群 or man-made disasters with civil legal issues. As a fellow, Nixon-Jones also appeared 在一些新闻节目中,提供重要的社区外展演讲和节目, 并在2017年9月美国律师协会的一篇文章中重点介绍 the importance of the clinic. She has presented at numerous national conferences and 帮助制定了未来平等司法工作的国家联邦指导方针白皮书 disaster law fellows.

Nixon-Jones earned her J.D. from Southern University Law Center with cum laude distinction and received her B.S.M. in Management and Finance from Tulane University.


alexandra yeldermanAlexandra Yelderman 从圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)加入JU Law,她在那里担任访问助理 Professor of Law. 她的研究重点是在线平台、黑市和临近犯罪 speech. 她的工作探讨了中介责任如何影响非法贸易 互联网,最近关注的是导致犯罪增加的法规. She has 之前曾写过关于互联网在打击性交易中的作用 other forms of exploitation.

Yelderman holds a B.A. in religious studies and a minor in mathematics from New York University, where she graduated cum laude, and received a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School.

在进入学术界之前,耶尔德曼曾在人口贩运组织从事法律工作 在华盛顿特区的法律中心,她继续担任特别顾问.

To view the new faculty hires’ full biographies, please visit ihynxk.salamzone.com/law/faculty.

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