Davis College students provide website refresh for local nonprofit


博士在读学生. Jim Simak’s Organizational Design and Change marketing course along 和博士的学生. Mini Zeng’s Special Topic in Computing Science course collaborated in a Business for Social Good project to design, develop and deploy a new website for First Coast Healing Hands, a multidisciplinary, medically directed program dedicated to easing the impact of child abuse and neglect on young victims.

西马克,JU管理学助理教授 & 这门课程说的是创业精神 a service-centered, immersive experience where students work with selected community partners and non-profit businesses on their most urgent problems or challenging opportunities 提供积极的社会影响.

During this course, students learned about problem-solving, teamwork and how they can take this new knowledge into their future careers.

Micah Francis, a freshman with a double major in computing science and cybersecurity, and Francisco Carpio, a senior cybersecurity major and computer science minor, teamed 在非营利组织的网站上工作. 

Francis says she learned valuable problem-solving skills. “我学会了在一个 collaborative environment with others in web development and design as well as discuss ideas with a wide group of people, using that to create a really big project,” she 说.

Carpio, a recent graduate, gained knowledge about nonprofits and teamwork. “我学会了 how impactful First Coast Healing Hands is to the community and kids across Florida,” 他说. “I also learned to work as a team and to work with customers, which is very important to get their specified requirements met.”

Hannah Gagnon, a recent marketing and 管理 graduate, along with Chaise Reagan, a junior sport business major, worked together on developing marketing materials, like business cards, a logo and flyers for the nonprofit. 他们更新了所有的网页 content and provided a new brand kit for First Coast Healing Hands. Dr. 罗恩知名度, assistant professor of Graphic Design, also assisted in graphics and logo design for 该组织.

Taking skills from the classroom and applying them to the real world and learning about the nonprofit sector were a few takeaways for Gagnon and Reagan. 

“It was really eye-opening to see how I could really take things that I learned in the classroom and transfer it to a job setting,” explained Gagnon. “这个项目帮助了 me see that going forward, I’m leaning more towards a career in marketing rather than 管理.”

Reagan was amazed by what it takes to run a nonprofit organization. “我明白了 volunteer work is a lot different than you’d expect. 有很多东西要进去 running a nonprofit, it’s not all about fund-raising,” 她说.

Dr. Barbara Knox, acting division chief for the University of Florida Division of Child Protection and Forensic Pediatrics and professor of Pediatrics for the UF College of Medicine, 说 the website met and exceeded their expectations. “全球网络赌博平台非常感激 to the students and faculty at 杰克逊维尔大学. 他们不知疲倦地工作着 on the development of this website to help meet the community’s needs and to allow 全球网络赌博平台要更好地为他们服务,”诺克斯说. 

Dr. 劳拉·阿特金斯,艺术学院 & Sciences associate dean, says that this course is a prime example of how service-learning projects are mutually beneficial for JU 学生和社区伙伴. “The DCOBT students applied technical skills that they learned in their coursework to meet the needs of First Coast Healing Hands,” 她说. “Through the project, the service-learning students learned to collaborate and successfully communicate with an organization which supports the students in further developing their professional competencies and engagement with community.”

Students shared that working on a project like this will help them as they seek full-time 就业在他们的研究领域.

“Working on this project made me realize that whatever career I go into, I want to make a difference and affect people in a positive way,” 说 Reagan. “我要去寻找 out job possibilities where I can give back rather than just have an office job.”

Carpio says he now has something to show a future employer. “雇主会看到这一点 on my resume and can click and see a website that is fully functional and receiving 捐款. They can also see that I did something for a good cause.”

“I believe after participating in this project, it will help me get my foot in the door for any web development opportunities,” 说 Francis.

