杰克逊维尔大学 College of Law achieves American Bar Association accreditation 里程碑


A defining moment in the pursuit of excellence for shaping future leaders of law, the 杰克逊维尔大学 College of Law has been granted provisional accreditation 由美国律师协会(ABA). 实现这一重大里程碑意味着法律的出台 school now possesses “all the rights of a fully approved ABA law school,” and its students are eligible to take the Bar examination, become members of the Bar, and qualify for jobs and clerkships only open to students graduating from ABA accredited 学校.

“This is the vision of 杰克逊维尔大学, its faculty, staff, and leadership – to build a great law school with great students, who become great lawyers who go on to serve their communities with ethical professionalism and the highest ideals of a noble profession,” said 杰克逊维尔大学 President Tim Cost. “全球网络赌博平台的大学 has applied for, and received accreditation in numerous programs in disciplines across our institution, and we are proud to add law to our long list of accredited programs.”

For any law school, accreditation is the hallmark of quality and high standards for 法律教育和律师资格. 在法学院学习至少两年 receives its initial ABA accreditation, it can apply for an affirmation of its accreditation. From then on, the school will undergo additional site visits and must demonstrate it is maintaining the standards it displayed during the initial accreditation application 程序,以保持其认可.

“的 deliberate speed with which the College of Law has been able to achieve accreditation must be credited to the years of careful planning and preparation to open a law school by this university, led by President Cost and the Board of Trustees, and guided by talented administrators, faculty, staff, with the encouragement and support of the bench, bar, city, and people of the greater Jacksonville community,” said Randall C. Berg小. 法学院的创始院长尼克·阿拉德. 获得ABA认证 is a justifiably rigorous and demanding process, and for that reason, I am enormously proud that the law school 教职员工和学生 made accreditation a priority 在他们所有的职责中.”

的 College of Law applied for provisional accreditation at the earliest possible point, in March 2023, exactly one year after its Board of Trustees voted unanimously 开办学校. This meticulous process required the College of Law to submit nearly 500 hundred pages of materials to the ABA accreditation council and staff, including a feasibility study, comprehensive self-study, and responses to nearly 100 认证机构的问题. 2023年10月,由教师和管理人员组成的团队 from law 学校 across the country, appointed by the ABA, conducted a three-day site evaluation, touring the college, observing classes, and interviewing law school administrators, 教职员工和学生.

的n, after responding to the site visit team’s written report, College of Law senior administrators, President Tim Cost, Board Chair Matt Kane and senior university leaders met with the 21-person ABA Accreditation Committee in New Orleans. 委员会投票 授予学校临时认证.

“Receiving provisional accreditation is hugely important for everyone at the College of Law, because it not only represents the high quality institution we’ve built so far, but it also bodes well for the future,” said Vice Dean of the College of Law, 玛格丽特方式. “Our goal has been, and will continue to be, to provide the highest 优质法律教育成为可能. 美国律师协会的认证证明了这一点, 全球网络赌博平台会一直在这里. 全球网络赌博平台致力于全球网络赌博平台的学生和全球网络赌博平台的社区 在未来几十年保持这些标准.”

的 杰克逊维尔大学 College of Law launched with its inaugural class in August 2022年和2023年8月的第二艘. 这次认证特别有意义 前两节课.

“We felt a heavy responsibility to pursue and attain accreditation before our inaugural 学生毕业了,”阿拉德说. 全球网络赌博平台实现了这个雄心勃勃的目标.”

“的se students seized all the opportunities of a new law school. 他们知道 of the challenges, but they recognized the benefits and dove enthusiastically into a partnership with the Dean, faculty, staff, and university to build something truly special,” said College of Law Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Courtney Barclay. “Earning accreditation is their achievement as much as anyone’s.”

的 law school’s third entering class will begin their studies this August, as the College of Law moves to its permanent location at 121 W. 福赛斯圣. 在心里 杰克逊维尔市中心.

的 College of Law signed a long-term lease on the 50,000-square-foot-space earlier this year, and renovations are underway and on schedule for a summer move in. 的 space will accommodate the growth of the law school and provide the opportunity to expand as it continues to welcome additional classes and hire more faculty and staff.

申请于2024年秋季学期开放. 欲知更多资讯,请浏览 salamzone.com/law.

