KEIGWIN SCHOOL OF NURSINGDoctor of Nursing Practice

A woman posing in her white coat

Available Programs

If you have a Master of Science in Nursing…

The post-MSN DNP program 是为了适应实习注册护士的时间表和个人兴趣而设计的, advanced practice nurses, nurse administrators, and educators. It offers two cognates:

  • The Advanced Practice track 是专为高级执业注册护士,如护士从业人员, 助产士护士,注册麻醉师护士和临床专科护士. 在这个轨道上,学生将加强他们的高级实践专业与临床 focus on individuals and populations.
  • The Leadership track 专注于执行级别的技能,适合在内部工作的rn和aprn health care systems in areas such as education and administration.

If you don't have a Master of Science in Nursing…

The BSN to DNP 该计划旨在为接受bsn教育的护士提供获得最终学位的途径 并在医疗保健的多个领域担任新的领导职务. It offers four cognates: 

  • The BSN to DNP Leadership 项目遵循APRN招生时间表,每年只录取一次 Fall semester. This program is designed for RNs who wish to pursue Leadership roles 在护理系统和组织内完成DNP课程.

  • BSN to DNP Family Nurse Practitioner program 遵循APRN招生时间表,每年只招收一次秋季学期. 该计划是为希望获得FNP认证并完成的注册护士设计的 DNP coursework concurrently.
    毕业生准备参加家庭护士执业者国家认证考试 通过美国护士资格认证中心和美国护士从业人员学会.  成功完成认证考试后,毕业生准备申请 在佛罗里达州申请高级执业注册护士执照.

  • BSN- dnp成人老年急症护理护士执业同源是为BSN护士 希望攻读DNP学位并专攻成人的治疗 critically complex and acute episodic illnesses.
    毕业生准备成人老年急症护理护士执业者国家 认证考试通过美国护士资格认证中心和美国护士协会 Association of Critical Care Nurses. After successful completion of the certification 考试毕业生准备申请高级执业注册执照 Nurse in the state of Florida.

  • BSN- dnp精神病学心理健康执业护士同源将帮助BSN学生, 谁希望获得他们的DNP,展示批判性思维和决策能力 评估患有精神疾病的个人和家庭的健康状况 issues.
    毕业生准备参加全国精神病学精神健康护士执业资格考试 Certification Exam through American Nurses Credentialing Center.  After successful 完成认证考试的毕业生准备申请执照 as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse in the state of Florida.

AdmissionsHow to Apply

  • Completed JU Application
  • 来自所有学院和大学参加所有护理的非官方成绩单 Coursework & Nursing Degrees
    • 如果考生在国外上过学院或大学,有官方的NACES评估 of that transcript is required. Choose the course-by-course evaluation with the GPA option.
  •  A minimum 3.3 undergraduate nursing GPA on a 4.0 scale is required
    The following may be requested of students with a GPA of 3.3 or below
    • GRE/GMAT scores
    • Letters of Recommendation
  • 毕业于地区认可的课程和CCNE, NLN或ACEN认证 program
  • Resume or Curriculum Vitae (if applying to a Nurse Practitioner track)
  • Statement of Intent
  • Active U.S. Nursing License
    • Out-of-state applicants must be eligible for endorsement in Florida
    • International students must hold a current license from a U.S. state and be eligible for endorsement in Florida. 
  • 所有第一语言不是英语的国际学生都需要提交 通过提供雅思或托福成绩证明他们的英语熟练程度. 如果提交成绩报告,他们必须直接发送到杰克逊维尔大学 from the testing institutions.

Featured Project

提高重症监护临床报警疲劳与报警管理能力 Nurses by Implementing a Unit Based Alarm Management Bundle

Stephanie Bosma, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC
教授:Roberta Christopher, EdD, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, EBP-C, NE-BC, CAIF

临床警报是用来表示病人不满意的生理状态的, 提醒工作人员注意医疗设备或系统故障,并警告操作人员 of potential hazards to the patient. While alarms interrupt the patients healing process, 警报还会引起护士的严重疲劳,被称为警报疲劳. The concept 报警疲劳和临床报警管理能力仍然是一个普遍存在的问题 among nurses who work in the acute care setting. In the Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)在佛罗里达州东北部的一家教学医院,报警疲劳,持续报警 管理技能,以及使用飞利浦生理监测设备的能力 systems were noted to be a problem among nurses working in the SICU. The goal of the DNP质量改善项目与护理能力的提高有关 通过an的实施,提高告警管理技能,减少告警疲劳 evidence-based alarm management bundle, called the CEASE bundle. A pre-and post-intervention 对115名全职护士进行HTF临床报警调查 perceptions of alarm fatigue and management. Overall, nurse participants demonstrated 提高了报警管理能力,从而显著改善了 他们对警报功能、设置、响应和策略依从性的看法. 自我报告的报警疲劳在统计上有显著的减少 项目干预,并发现终止包对护理有影响 practice.

April 2023 Publication

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