


杰克逊维尔大学 uses rolling admission with soft deadlines, which means there 递交申请有没有正式的截止日期. 但是,如果数量合格 applicants exceeds available space, we will close enrollment for that academic year.

By applying early, you are setting yourself up for academic success 和 scholarship 可用性. If you are applying for the Spring semester, submit your 应用程序 12月30日前. If you are applying for the Fall semester, submit your 应用程序 8月1日前.

The 杰克逊维尔大学 招生办公室 suggests that high school seniors 应该在大四的秋季学期申请吗. 应用程序 opens August 1st of your senior year, 和 the first round of decisions are released 在十月份. Students applying after that point should not be discouraged from submitting their 应用程序, as 招生 will continue to enroll students 直到报名截止.

Students interested in the NROTC program should apply as early as August, especially 如果他们对NROTC奖学金感兴趣. 新生护理项目也是 only accepts a certain number of students, so they should apply early on for maximum 考虑. If interested in the Honors Program, students must be accepted, nominated 和 have a completed Honors 应用程序 和 official documents submitted by December 30. Please note that nomination to apply to the Honors program is contingent on students' GPA和ACT和/或SAT成绩.


The nonrefundable 应用程序 fee is $30 for all undergraduate applicants. 应用程序 fee payments may be made online with 信贷 card or electronic check. 学费减免 are accepted 和 must be acquired from their current high school guidance counselor, 和 may be either mailed or faxed in to the Office of Admission.


是的. 杰克逊维尔大学 does require an admission essay 和 prompts are given 在申请表上帮助学生写什么. 欢迎学生参加 to submit supplemental information, such as resumes, or letters of recommendation 以提高他们的应用文件.


No. 杰克逊维尔大学是一所考试选修学校. 这意味着SAT和ACT 大学入学不要求分数. 然而,荣誉课程, the 4+1 Program 和 the Freshman Direct-Entry 护理程序, are select programs 需要考试成绩的学校. 

Beginning with students applying for summer 2019 admission 和 moving forward, we will accept self-reported SAT/ACT test scores as official when submitted with your 应用程序. Examples of acceptable SAT/ACT self-reported scores include:

•考试成绩截图(电子邮件至 documents@salamzone.com)
• Scores reported in the testing section of either the Common 应用程序 or Jacksonville 大学应用
•官方顾问邮件与考试成绩(电子邮件至 documents@salamzone.com)

We will also consider self-reported test scores for JU programs where test scores are m和atory, such as the Honors Program, the 4+1 Program 和 the Freshman Direct-Entry 护理程序. 

The office of undergraduate admissions will only require 和 verify official SAT/ACT test scores for students that enroll at 杰克逊维尔大学 have selected to have their test scores considered in the evaluation of their 应用程序.

How long does it take for a student to receive an admissions decision?

The first round of 应用程序 decisions are typically 在十月份. 后 that, admissions decisions are typically made within 4 weeks of receiving all student 文档. Students may call their admissions counselor 和 check on their status 在任何时候.


No. Students may submit the version of the tests with the writing section, but we typically do not consider it as part of the 应用程序 review process.

Is it better to only send JU the highest ACT or SAT score if a test is taken more 不止一次?

No. 杰克逊维尔大学 considers the highest combined SAT or composite ACT score 在文件. There is no disadvantage in sending multiple test scores to the Office of 由于考试成绩较低,所以录取不予考虑.


ACT -不. SAT -是.

What if applicants want to change the senior year course schedule listed on their 应用程序?

JU does not “accept” or “decline” course schedule changes; however, students should notify the university if a course schedule does change 和 should be aware this change 会影响他们的录取资格或录取通知吗. 最重要的是 remember is the student needs to earn the proper 信贷s to receive a high school 现就读学校的毕业证书.


Students are not required to declare a major until junior year, but if they know what major they are interested in, they may list it on their 应用程序.

Does 杰克逊维尔大学 accept pre-college 信贷s from Advanced Placement (AP) 以及国际文凭课程(IB)?

是的. High school students can receive 信贷 through AP examinations 和 through the IB文凭课程. The student should have examination scores sent directly to the 招生办公室的审查. 高分可以允许课程豁免或课程 信贷.


是的. High school students who are in a dual enrollment at a regionally ac信贷ed college or university may be eligible to receive 信贷 for coursed work completed 在那个机构里. Since evaluations are made on a course-by-course basis, we cannot tell you what JU 信贷 you will be receiving until you submit the dual enrollment 把大学成绩单交给你的招生顾问.


The average academic profile of the middle 50% of entering freshman is currently:

  • 高中GPA: 3.58加权
  • 综合ACT: 21-27
  • SAT: 1050-1230的批判性阅读和数学部分

These numbers are not minimum requirements for admission; however, students within 或高于这些范围是最具竞争力的. 杰克逊维尔大学是可选考试. 然而,荣誉课程需要ACT和/或SAT成绩. 请提交你的自我报告 test score if you believe it is competitive based on the above.


请求的信息 申请大学