Dance 教师 Department of Dance

Portrait photo of dance faculty Cari Freiberger

Cari Freiberger

Professor of Dance

Email address   |   Telephone number  (904) 256-7398

Cari Freiberger 是舞蹈教授, 在北京艺术学院本科舞蹈 和 BA 项目 and MFA Choreography graduate program. She has choreographed numerous 在JU和她的芭蕾作品中上演了许多古典芭蕾 current academic and 艺术家ic research is in the field of Inclusive Arts.  

  • 她在北卡罗莱纳学校的华盛顿芭蕾舞学校接受了早期的训练 曾在美国艺术学院、宾夕法尼亚芭蕾舞团和阿拉巴马芭蕾舞团演出 南方,阿巴拉契亚芭蕾舞团,亚特兰大节日芭蕾舞团,和芭蕾舞团 并作为嘉宾艺术家出现在许多项目中,包括斯波莱托音乐节-查尔斯顿, 国际芭蕾舞大赛Gala-Jackson,国际即兴表演 音乐节-伯明翰,阿黛尔·迈尔斯和舞者-新奥尔良,几个舞者的核心- Atlanta, The People’s Touring Project-NYC, and Sydney Olympics.
  • 她在伯明翰南方学院获得文学学士学位,在佛罗里达获得舞蹈艺术硕士学位 在州立大学,她是苏珊娜·法雷尔奖学金的获得者 the School of Visual Arts and Dance Teaching Fellowship.  
  •  而她的主要教学重点是本科芭蕾和研究生课程 她还在佛罗里达芭蕾舞团和其他当地工作室教授芭蕾舞.
  • 她目前的兴趣集中在包容性艺术,她教舞蹈班的人 接受马克·莫里斯项目的包容性舞蹈训练 通过AXIS舞蹈培训和RYT 200小时认证的瑜伽培训.


Portrait photo of dance faculty Lana Heylock

Lana Heylock 

Associate Professor of Dance

Email address   |   Telephone number  (904) 256-7378

Lana Carroll Heylock是一名教师、编舞家和跨学科的合作者 艺术家.  她小时候在大学舞蹈学院学习古典芭蕾 of Akron before moving to NYC to study at the Martha Graham Center. Ms. Heylock received 她在阿克伦大学获得舞蹈学士学位,在杰克逊维尔获得编舞硕士学位 大学.  A few career highlights:

  • Ms. Heylock拥有丰富的职业生涯,与Jennifer Muller/The Works Dance合作 Company in NYC. During her fourteen years as a principle dancer, rehearsal director, 担任公司特别项目总监,协助Jennifer Muller重新登台 numerous pieces of repertoire throughout the world. She also performed with Ohio Ballet and Pearl Lang Dance Companies.
  • 在国内和国际上,她获得了大师教师的声誉 面向专业舞团、大学、专业学校、大师工作坊 and festivals across the globe. 
  • Ms. 海洛克是全职的舞蹈教师,也是大学舞蹈学院的院长 of Akron in Akron, Ohio for over a decade. 
  • 在杰克逊维尔大学,她发起了几个多元文化的国际项目 为JU舞蹈学生提供的机会,包括在 Pontlevoy,法国,以及一个代表团的跨学科文化表演沉浸 JU美术学院舞蹈、音乐、声乐在上海和杭州的学生; 中国.


Portrait photo of dance faculty Christina Mann

Christina Mann

Assistant Professor of Dance

Email address   |   Telephone number  (904) 256-7374

克里斯蒂娜·蒂格曼,是MFA编舞和协调员的研究主管 of International Initiatives for The Linda Berry Stein College of Fine Arts & Humanities. 她指导全球舞蹈项目并协调出国留学机会 for undergraduate and graduate students across the College. 

  • Ms. 蒂格曼于2002年搬到伦敦,在那里她扩大了自己的国际职业生涯. While in London, she did her post-graduate study at the Laban Center, London.  In 2011年,她成为法国庞特莱沃伊Le Centre的联合主任,并在那里参与制作 Le Centre Dance and Theatre Festival.
  • 在国外期间,她在国内和国际上展示了她的编舞 in London, Paris, Pontlevoy, Berlin, Lisbon, Chicago, New York, and Beijing. 在 多年来,她为杰克逊维尔举办了许多国际客座艺术家讲习班 大学 both abroad and in the United States.  
  • 她的研究兴趣是作为一种创造性的舞蹈教学 实践. The focus is on researching in and through the body to transform codified vocabulary into performative strategies. Drivers of Professor Teague-Mann’s pedagogy 教学是为了未知的东西,而学习是在实践群体中发生的吗.
  • 蒂格曼教授目前的学术项目之一是构建一个跨学科的 创造力社区汇集了激进的具身认知科学, creative 实践 as research, and complexity frameworks.


Portrait photo of dance faculty Brian Palmer

Brian Palmer

Professor of Dance & Chair, Department of Dance

Email address   |   Telephone number  (904) 256-7373

布莱恩·帕尔默,舞蹈教授和舞蹈系主任,一直是 professor at Jacksonville 大学 since 2001. He received his Bachelor of Fine 毕业于雷德福大学舞蹈艺术专业,并获得美术硕士学位 他在佛罗里达州立大学获得了苏珊娜·法雷尔奖 Fellowship.  

  • Mr. Palmer began his career as a professional ballet dancer; nine years with the Richmond 并在肯尼迪中心赞助的苏珊娜·法雷尔芭蕾舞团工作了两年 for the Performing Arts in Washington DC. Though now an educator he continues to perform annually with the First Coast Nutcracker in Jacksonville. 
  • 他的专业组织成就包括担任舞蹈评审小组成员 佛罗里达州文化事务部的秘书和董事会成员 for the National Association of 学校 of Dance.
  • In 2014-15 he was named the Jacksonville 大学 Professor of the Year.  


Candace perry

Candace Perry

访问ing Assistant Professor of Dance

Email address | Telephone number  (904) 256-7655

坎迪斯·佩里是一位专业的舞蹈家、编舞家、教育家和合作者 艺术家 from Chester, Virginia. She holds a BFA in Dance and Business minor from George 毕业于梅森大学,获得北卡罗莱纳大学编舞硕士学位 at Greensboro. Her professional career spanning concert and commercial dance has mirrored her passion to explore a range of dance styles that inform her 实践. A few career highlights include:

  • Ms. Perry was an apprentice with the Graham-based company, Rioult Dance New York, and performed nationally and internationally with the company.
  • In 2016, she was a dancer and aerialist with Holland America cruise lines.
  • 2018年,她在皇家加勒比国际游轮的商业嘻哈节目中表演, as a dance captain and aerialist.
  • Ms. 佩里是华特迪士尼世界的维护编舞,设置编舞 动物王国节、狮子王节和米奇最快乐的圣诞节, amongst other auditions, events, and parades.
  • 她的编舞已与国家樱花节全国联合 并在联合国儿童基金会的戏剧作品《全球网络赌博平台》和《全球赌博十大网站》中出现.
  • In 2024, Ms. Perry taught at the ACDA Mid-Atlantic Conference as a guest teacher and 能继续分享她对舞蹈、社区和艺术发展的热爱吗.