
Brian Holcomb PitchingJacksonville University can assist you in making a successful transition from the 从军队到大学,再到毕业后的生活. 除了提供优质教育, we also offer a lot of resources on campus to help you make that transition smoothly.

One of our greatest assets is our VMRC Director Mike Mitchell, who acts as an advocate 为在校的军人和退伍军人提供服务. 他将与你合作,以确保你的 unique needs are met by coordinating with various services such as academic advising, tutoring, counseling, disability accommodations, veterans programs, benefits information and assistance services. 联系Mike的电话是(904)256-7638或 mmitche26@salamzone.com.

You can read about some local and state resources​, or about 这是全球网络赌博平台其他的校园资源. 如果你有问题或担忧,不知道该联系谁, 这个清单可以为您指明正确的方向.


Jacksonville University provides a military student orientation session each semester (fall and spring). 全球网络赌博平台强烈鼓励新的军校学生参加学习 关于校园服务和支持. 欲了解更多信息,请联系Mike Mitchell (904) 256-7638 or mmitche26@salamzone.com. 下面提供了以前定向的视频.

Basic Orientation

JU Student Panel​

Faculty Panel

Career Management



Need a transcript?

If you need an accessible transcript of one of the videos on this page, please contact us.


Additional Resources


  • 美国退伍军人事务部
  • GI Bill site
  • GI Bill Comparison Tool
  • 退伍军人管理局职业范围评估门户当前位置CareerScope将职业和教育规划提升到一个新的水平. The proven career assessment and reporting system from the Vocational Research Institute (VRI) is a 功能强大,但易于使用的程序. 拥有超过50年的世界级开发经验 assessment programs, VRI has designed a self-administered system that measures both 能力和兴趣通过有效和可靠的评估任务.
  • Joint Services Transcript: You should request a Joint Service Transcript (JST) to assist Jacksonville University 评估你的兵役是为了获得大学学分吗. JST is an academically accepted document approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) to validate a service member's military occupational experience and training along with the corresponding ACE大学学分推荐. 它提供了军事教育的描述 用通俗语言写的工作经历. 它作为学术咨询工具 以及为现役军人和退伍军人提供咨询的职业顾问. It serves as an aid in preparing resumes and explaining Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard 以及海军工作经验. 它还通过奖励节省了时间和金钱 academic credits, which means less tuition to pay and less time spent in the classroom.
  • Transition Assistance Online: The largest source of transition assistance information, jobs and tools for today's separating military. 在这个退伍军人职业网站上,服务人员可以 find the resources needed to transition from their much appreciated military service, to the perfect civilian career. 军事招聘雇主和广告商可以发布 招聘广告,搜索简历,直接向军人候选人做广告.
  • 国家资源目录(NRD): provides access to services and resources at the national, state and local levels 支持恢复、康复和重新融入社区. Visitors can find 关于各种主题的信息,包括福利 & compensation, education & training, employment, family & 照顾者支持、健康、无家可归者援助、住房、 transportation & travel and other services & resources.
  • 军事经验与训练核查(VMET): Sponsored by the Department of Defense to provide eligible service members a VMET 文件(DD表格2586). VMET数据是会员职业生涯的一部分 history, which comes from a large database built over the years with data received 来自四大军种的官方人事和培训体系. This VMET occupational and training history data is matched to time-appropriate narrative descriptions to generate the VMET document.
  • 陆军职业和校友计划(ACAP): Created to assist Army personnel transitioning from military service to civilian careers. 大多数退休和/或离开军队的陆军人员使用这个 site. 公司可以在ACAP网站上列出他们的工作机会.
  • “事业成功的关键”活动: Connects veterans and transitioning service members with high quality career planning, 当地一站式就业中心提供的培训和求职资源. It provides resources to match military experience to civilian occupations, find a job, get credentials, certifications and licenses, assistance in writing a resume and other assistance. 在佛罗里达州东北部有多个就业中心.
  • 本网站由美国劳工部赞助 that provides a wide range of information of interest to veterans; including e-VETS 顾问,退伍军人优先顾问,军警服务和就业 & Reemployment 权利法案(USERRA)顾问和许多其他资源的退伍军人.
  • 这个劳工部网站提供人行横道搜索 that compares military jobs to civilian careers and then look through a wealth of 这些职业的数据——工资、就业前景、所需技能.
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook: The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides an Occupational Outlook Handbook for hundreds 不同类型的工作,如教师,律师和护士. This document tells you the training and education needed, earnings, expected job prospects, what workers do on the job, and working conditions In addition, the Handbook gives you job search 提示,每个州就业市场信息的链接等等. You can also 浏览有关本手册的常见问题.
  • 警卫队和预备役的雇主支持(ESGR): ESGR, a Department of Defense office, was established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component Service members and their civilian employers and to assist in the resolution of conflicts arising from an employee's military commitment.
  • 退伍军人事务部特别适应住房计划: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) administers the Specially Adapted Housing program, designed to help severely disabled Veterans and Servicemembers purchase or construct an adapted home, or modify an existing home to accommodate a disability. Two grant programs exist: the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant and the Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grant. 每个退伍军人的住房/生活需求都是独一无二的 as their physical disabilities. 特别适应住房项目提供亲身体验, personalized, customized service to severely disabled Veterans seeking home adaptations.
  • 退伍军人职业过渡计划: The 退伍军人职业过渡计划, operated by the Institute for Veterans and Military Families at Syracuse University, is delivered at no cost to post-9/11 veterans, 他们的配偶,以及现役军人的配偶. Paid for in entirety by a grant from JPMorgan Chase & 公司,VCTP提供解决上述挑战的方案,以及 connections to specific education and training programs, business/industry coalitions focused on veteran employment and information about national and state-level opportunities 以及退伍军人及其家属的福利. 专业技能跟踪和 Tech Track are offered through an advisor-led group admitted quarterly, and the Independent 学习轨道可在任何时间开始.
  • GIJobs.com退伍军人教育资源: GI Jobs provides extensive resources and articles to assist with your transition to college.
  • 退伍军人需要一个大学成功计划: Dr. 斯蒂芬·琼斯概述了大学成功计划的必要性.
  • The U.S. 服务人员学术计划和辅助指南
  • 退伍军人资源:在线大学数据库
  • 美国空军协助过渡到平民生活指南: USAA provides Separation Assessment Tool helps give you a clearer picture of your financial standing and the Separation Checklist can guide you through important steps involving your job change, moving plans, personal finances, and education opportunities.
  • Military.com 提供资源协助军人的过渡
  • Education and Job Opportunities: Provides information on educational and job opportunities for military veterans. News, advice and resources to help you get a degree, search for a job or start your own business – from vet success stories to the most comprehensive military job fair calendar on the web.
  • Networking Sites:
  • 将军事技能转化为平民职业: Takes your military skills and assists in finding equivalent civilian occupations, exploring education opportunities to extend your skills, learning from veterans with your specialty, applying for jobs that match your skills, identifying civilian terminology 为你的简历,并确定你专业的热门职业选择.
  • Career Assessments: