JU's 最大的需求

New JU Dolphin statue photo

​Jacksonville University takes the bold steps needed to put your generous giving to 工作. No matter the size of your annual support, starting a wave of change begins 和你在一起.


Changing lives by supporting JU's 最大的需求

最大需求1 的 JU’s 最大的需求 Fund is the primary means of support for JU. 它培养了一种 tradition of giving back and gives alumni, 学生s, parents, staff, faculty, and friends a way to pay it forward to future generations. 给某人做礼物 JU’s 最大的需求 supports the university’s mission through scholarships, technology enhancements, 学生 & campus life programs, and academic initiatives. Ultimately, the Greatest Needs Fund impacts every 学生 and faculty member on campus. 

Collective giving. 很大的影响.

Annual support to JU’s 最大的需求 is all about participation. It takes recurring gifts, no matter the size, from the entire Dolphin nation to propel JU into the future. Giving on an annual basis enhances 学生 life programs and resources in a way that we can properly plan for. 这也……

inspires innovationINSPIRES INNOVATION

最大的需求 funds help inspire innovation by funding new and cutting-edge projects that the university could not have afforded otherwise. It allows us to go above and beyond our normal 活动经费预算. 




Making a gift annually enhances collaboration and trust between the donor and JU. We want you to join us in our success story as it is happening. We promise to be good stewards of your money.



recruits the bestRECRUITS THE BEST

最大的需求 funds allow us to present financial aid packages to top-tier 学生s who otherwise could not afford a college education. In today’s job market, philanthropic support helps fund competitive professorships so we can recruit the talent our 学生s deserve.


does the dirty 工作DOES THE DIRTY WORK

JU’s 最大的需求 Fund supports very important but unpopular initiatives that other contributions do 不是走向. Think landscaping, waste management, and repairs. 它给了全球网络赌博平台 flexibility to respond to emergency needs during crises like hurricane relief or another 流感大流行. Annual funds provide operational support that we can count on like paying rent and keeping the lights on.


Annual support maintains and improves facilities to ensure that JU is a place alumni, 学生s, parents, and faculty can be proud to call their university. 如果JU的未来 is enhanced, the value of YOUR degree will be enhanced as well. Giving back is not only beneficial for JU and the Dolphin family, but it’s a good thing to do. 


If you have taken a class at JU, earned a degree, received a JU scholarship, enjoyed a play at Swisher 的atre, attended a public lecture on campus, visited the Phillips Fine Arts Gallery, or otherwise enjoyed any of JU's high-quality educational offerings, you have benefited from the generosity of those who contribute to JU's 最大的需求. This fund is the foundation of all that we do.

You may ask, "Why do you need my gift with that big endowment?". Because every donor like you made that endowment possible. Every dollar we receive is invested in JU to give our 学生s the best education possible. Greatness must start somewhere, and at JU, it starts with you. 

Ready to get started?
