Policy on Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations

I. 政策概要

杰克逊维尔大学 is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as mandated by 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972. 怀孕了 students and student parents are protected by 第九条. 怀孕的学生 or experiencing pregnancy-related 条件 are entitled to academic accommodations, and modifications, lactation break time and space, and time off/excused absences when necessary for pregnancy-related 条件. 杰克逊维尔大学 hereby establishes a policy and procedures for ensuring the protection and equal treatment of pregnant persons, individuals with pregnancy-related 条件, and new parents.

II. 政策文本

1. 范围

这 policy applies to all aspects of 杰克逊维尔大学’s programs, including admissions, educational programs and activities, student employment, and leave policies.

2. 定义

  1. “Medical necessity” is a determination made by a health care provider of a student’s 选择.
  2. “Pregnancy and pregnancy-related 条件” include (but are not limited to) pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, 条件 arising in connection with pregnancy, and recovery from any of these 条件, in accordance with federal 法律.
  3. “Pregnancy discrimination” includes treating a student affected by pregnancy or a pregnancy-related condition less favorable than similar individuals not so affected and includes a failure to provide legally mandated leave or accommodations.
  4. “怀孕了 student/Birthparent” refers to the student who is or was pregnant. 这 policy and its pregnancy-related protections apply to all pregnant persons regardless 性别认同或性别表达的.
  5. “Parent” includes biological parents, adoptive parents, stepparents, foster parents, legal guardians and people filling in a parental role (standing “in loco parentis”).
  6. “Reasonable accommodations” for the purpose of this policy are changes in the academic environment or typical operations that enable a pregnant student or student with a pregnancy-related condition to continue to pursue their studies and enjoy equal benefits 大学校长.

3. Rights and reasonable accommodations of students affected by pregnancy, childbirth, 或相关条件包括

  1. 杰克逊维尔大学 and its faculty, staff and other employees shall not require a student to limit their studies due to pregnancy or pregnancy-related 条件.
  2. The benefits and services provided to the students affected by pregnancy shall be no less than those provided to students with temporary medical 条件.
  3. Students with pregnancy-related disabilities, like any other student with a disability, are entitled to reasonable accommodation so they will not be disadvantaged in their courses of study or research and may seek assistance from the 残疾支援服务 办公室.
  4. Reasonable accommodations may include, 但不限于:
    • accommodations requested by the pregnant student to protect the health and safety of the student and the pregnancy (such as allowing the student to maintain a safe 与有害物质的距离)
    • modifications to the physical environment (such as accessible seating)
    • 流动性支持
    • lactation break time and a safe and clean lactation space
    • extending deadlines and/or allowing the student to make up tests or assignments missed 因怀孕缺勤
    • excusing medically necessary absences
    • 准假
  5. Breastfeeding students must be granted reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. 浴室隔间 不满足这个要求.

4. 学术休假

  1. 教师, staff, or other employees shall not require a student to take a leave of absence or withdraw from or limit their studies due to pregnancy, childbirth, or related 条件. Pursuant to 第九条, 杰克逊维尔大学 shall treat pregnancy and related 条件 as a justification for a leave of absence for as long a period of time as is deemed medically necessary by a student’s health care provider.
  2. Students requesting an academic leave of absence should follow the process outlined in 杰克逊维尔大学’s Leave of Absence policy.
  3. Upon return from leave, the student will be reinstated to their program in the same 状态为休假开始时的状态. Based on specific program requirements, the student may be moved to a different cohort to adjust for course-sequencing requirements.
  4. Continuation of the student’s scholarship, fellowship, or similar university-sponsored funding during the leave term will depend on the student’s registration status and the policies of the funding program regarding registration status. 学生不会 negatively impact or forfeit their future eligibility for their scholarship, fellowship, or similar university-supported funding by taking leave under this policy.  

5. Student Employment Accommodations and Leave

  1. 杰克逊维尔大学 offers the protections of the Family and Medical Leave Act to eligible employees regardless of whether they are also a student, provided they 符合资格要求.
  2. Student employees are encouraged to request pregnancy and parenting-related reasonable accommodations with their supervisor in advance whenever possible, which made include, 但不限于:
    • Changes to protect the health and safety of the student and/or their pregnancy (such as allowing the person to maintain a safe 与有害物质的距离)
    • Changes to the physical environment (such as accessible seating)
    • Allowing the person to eat or drink during University activities
    • Parking access and/or 流动性支持
    • 更大的制服
    • Extra breaks during work activities to use the restroom

6. 哺乳期访问

  1. Breastfeeding persons must be granted reasonable time and space to express breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonably accessible. 浴室里 do 不满足这个要求 An appropriate lactation facility should be located within reasonable distance of the person’s location and be available for up to a year 分娩后. Break time should be adjusted to account for the distance to 最近的哺乳空间 . The central campus lactation room is the Bloom Room COHS 130. Breastfeeding persons requesting a different location should contact 第九条协调员的支持.

7. Parent-Friendly Assistance and Flexibility

  1. Students are encouraged to work in advance with their instructors and supervisors to request excused time off for routine infant and child health care matters. 如果学生 are unsuccessful in receiving support through informal discussions with their instructors, they may contact the 第九条 办公室 for policy information and possible resources.
  2. Child health emergencies of parenting students should be excused to the same degree as student health emergencies, with an opportunity to make up missed work and participation 适用的分数.

8. 报复和骚扰

  1. Harassment by any member of 杰克逊维尔大学 based on sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, or parental status is prohibited.
  2. 教师, staff and other 杰克逊维尔大学 employees are prohibited from interfering with a student’s taking leave, seeking reasonable accommodations, or otherwise exercising 他们在这项政策下的权利. 教师, staff, and other employees are prohibited from retaliating against a student for exercising the rights articulated by this policy, including imposing or threatening to impose negative educational outcomes because a student requests leave or accommodation, files a complaint, or otherwise exercises 他们在这项政策下的权利.

9. Dissemination of the Policy and 培训

  1. A copy of this policy shall be made available to faculty and staff during required Tile IX training and posted on 杰克逊维尔大学’s website. 第九条办公室 和/或人事办公室 & 文化 shall make 第九条 educational materials available to all members of the 杰克逊维尔大学 community to promote compliance with this policy and familiarity with its procedures.

10. 合规

  1. 报告: Any member of 杰克逊维尔大学’s community may report a violation of this policy to any supervisor, manager, or 第九条 办公室r. 主管和经理是 responsible for promptly forwarding such reports to the 第九条 Coordinator. 联系 information for the 第九条 Coordinator is available 在线.
  2. 申诉流程: The grievance process within this Policy is designed to treat Complainants and Respondents 公平. Complaints of pregnancy or pregnancy-related discrimination are rolled into 杰克逊维尔大学’s existing 第九条 grievance process. 这个过程包括 an informal resolution option, independent fact finding, and an independent and fair administration of discipline for offenders. For details regarding 杰克逊维尔大学’s grievance process under 第九条, please review Section 6 of the 第九条综合政策.

第九条 全面的政策 培训 Policy on Student Pregnancy and Parenting Accommodations 预防和意识项目


  • 办公电话904-256-718
  • 电子邮件: scc@salamzone.com
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
  • 办公电话904-256-8080
  • 电子邮件: shc@salamzone.com
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
  • The 办公室 closes daily for lunch 12:30pm-1:30pm


  • 办公电话:904-722-3000
  • 24-Hour Rape Crisis Hotline: 904-721-7273
  • Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm







(904) 256-7067
